埃尔默虎斑猫, 市场营销专家 in 拉斯维加斯,内华达州,美国
埃尔默 is 可用 租用
雇佣 埃尔默


验证专家  in 市场营销



埃尔默 is a hands-on strategist and a 数字 市场营销 leader with 18 years of experience in 电子商务 and online 市场营销. His multidisciplinary 市场营销 experience has resulted in solid knowledge of people leadership, 品牌, 谷歌分析, 和谷歌广告. 埃尔默 specializes in email and 从属营销, 搜索引擎优化, Facebook的广告, 网站管理, 付费和自然媒体策略, 以及在线潜在客户.


Twofold Increase in Top-line Revenue for 达芬奇技术
Helped plot out the 市场营销 and product roadmap for the business to grow from five million to ten million in annual recurring revenue in seven years until it got acquired by a publicly traded company.




  • Overhauled the cannabis dispensary website and worked with executives to create a 数字 市场营销 roadmap.
  • 发达 数字 市场营销 strategies and executed brand promotions around key business initiatives, aligning the messaging and activities with the brand positioning to drive engagement and sales for both the store and wholesale partners.
  • 领导战略, 数字, and tactical 执行 of 市场营销 to increase website and foot 交通 to the store, 最终影响营收.
  • Supervised one direct report and oversaw website functionality, 搜索引擎优化, 电子邮件营销, and 支付显示 and social campaigns with three partner vendors and outsourced resources.


2018 - 2022
达芬奇技术 (acquired by Greenlane Holdings)
  • Managed DaVinci's annual 数字 市场营销 budgeting scope in the range of one million.
  • Involved in overall 品牌 for DaVinci products and 策略 of day-to-day operations.
  • Designed and executed 数字 市场营销 efforts, 包括电子邮件活动, 搜索引擎优化, 支付显示, 以及B2B和B2C的潜在客户开发. Used strategies and tools like 谷歌搜索引擎优化, 付费搜索和广告, 移动广告, 数据可视化工具.
  • Oversaw internal 市场营销 team and agency support partners to ultimately achieve the department's KPI goals.
  • Supervised two direct reports—creative lead and social media manager—and partner vendors to execute 搜索引擎优化, 从属营销, 以及计划性活动.


2014 - 2018
  • 发达, 实现, and managed 市场营销 campaigns that promoted DaVinci's brand and its products online and focused on 搜索引擎优化 and paid media.
  • 改善Davincivaporizer.Com的在线流量增加200%.
  • Conducted A/B testing on landing pages and email blasts to enhance user experience and gain insights on conversion optimization.
  • Managed and executed 数字 市场营销 campaigns using tools such as Semrush, Ahrefs, Mailchimp的, 优化, 不断的联系, Justuno, ShareASale, 谷歌优化, 谷歌分析, 谷歌 Data Studio, 谷歌广告, WordStream, 和Adobe Suite.
  • Tracked and reported the campaign's ROAS and ROI figures to executives for business performance optimization.


2012 - 2014
  • Liaised between client and internal 市场营销 groups to execute 搜索引擎优化, 当地的搜索引擎优化, 社会策略, 市场营销, 社区, PR, 和视频.
  • 发达 ideas and contributed to original content such as blog posts, 文章, 白皮书, 电子书, 信息图, and presentations that were utilized across various channels.
  • Performed client hand-holding for accounts from project start to end.
  • Expanded client relationships by upselling and cross-selling additional solutions.
  • Conducted monthly client conference calls to evaluate reports and results.


2005 - 2012
  • Strategized overall 搜索引擎优化 growth plan and led campaign 执行 for client sites.
  • Conducted 搜索引擎优化 audits, keyword research, and technical optimizations for accounts.
  • Supervised seven junior 搜索引擎优化 specialists and directed on-page optimization and link acquisition campaigns.
  • Implemented various 搜索引擎优化 measures to increase client rankings and profits, 包括文章提交, 竞争链路均衡, brand awareness through citation building, 社交媒体活动, 以及其他的白帽策略.
  • 利用多种工具进行跟踪, 监控, 并分析搜索引擎排名, 交通, 还有网络审计.

Twofold Increase in Top-line Revenue for 达芬奇技术

Helped plot out the 市场营销 and product roadmap for the business to grow from five million to ten million in annual recurring revenue in seven years until it got acquired by a publicly traded company.

我参与了市场调查, 产品品牌, 策略, and executing all 数字 市场营销 campaigns for 达芬奇技术 to achieve YoY revenue growth until Greenlane Holdings acquired the company.



执行了技术和反向链接审计, 纠正问题, and 实现 a content editorial plan alongside a manual outreach campaign to build keyword-focused content pieces 和高质量的, 相关的反向链接.

Davincivaporizer.com is a consumer tech brand for aromatherapy and cannabis consumption. As the inbound 市场营销 manager, I was responsible for growing their inbound 交通. 我开始改进他们的搜索引擎优化活动, 执行了技术和反向链接审计, 并纠正问题. I then 实现 a content editorial plan alongside a manual outreach campaign to build keyword-focused content pieces, 公关工作, 和高质量的, 相关的反向链接. It resulted in a 200% growth in the website's organic 交通.



Started a 数字 市场营销 agency with a production office in Asia and managed 25 resources to deliver white-label solutions for 搜索引擎优化, 内容开发, 媒体购买, and web development to markets based in the US, 加拿大, 和英国.

SquareFish offers cost-effective and reliable services for 数字 市场营销 by helping with ideation, 执行, and strategies to achieve top-line growth. Understanding a client to generate online buzz and harness and deliver an end solution is essential.
2002 - 2004


Informatics Computer Institute of Asia - Cagayan De Oro, Republic of the Philippines


谷歌分析 for Power User


2020年5月- 2021年5月

谷歌广告 Professional



搜索引擎优化工具, 谷歌搜索引擎优化, 搜索引擎优化内容, 搜索引擎优化营销, 数字营销, 电子邮件营销, 当地的搜索引擎优化, 搜索引擎优化审计, 谷歌广告, Facebook的广告, 广告支出回报率(ROAS), 搜索引擎营销(SEM), 线下搜索引擎优化, 关键字研究, 谷歌付费广告, 市场研究 & 分析, B2C营销, 销售业绩, 谷歌广告, 展示广告, 广告活动, 移动广告, Facebook营销, 付费广告, 从属营销, 有机搜索引擎优化, 有机社交媒体, 媒体购买, 数字广告, 数字营销策略, 数字运动, 网络营销, 反向链接, 营销预算

平台 & 工具

Ahrefs, Adobe Photoshop, 数字广告平台, BigCommerce, 谷歌广告管理器, 谷歌分析


B2B, 企业对消费者(B2C), B2C, B2B2C, 企业对企业对消费者(B2B2C), 企业对企业(B2B)


网站管理, 网页内容, 网络分析, 数字战略, 付费媒体, Facebook的像素, WordPress, 网站设计, 网站审核, 项目计划, 数字化项目管理, 欧博体育app下载, 咨询, Web UI, 网络用户体验, 关键词分析, 审计, 模式, Semrush, 数据分析, 数据分析, 数据策略, 数据可视化, 数据管理, 直接对消费者(D2C), B2B潜在客户生成, 电子商务, 项目预算管理, 增长的市场营销, 品牌定位, 程序化的营销, 地理围墙 & 区域定位, 付费搜索, Shopify, 网站流量, 项目管理, 商业策略, 企业管理, 数字媒体, 多媒体, 收购



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