卡洛Palmieri, 金融 Expert in 英国伦敦
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验证专家  in 金融



沃顿商学院MBA毕业生, 卡洛 has led transactions on $10 billion worth of LBO and growth capital deals. He's worked in investment banking, M&A (德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)), management consulting (贝恩 & 公司, 奥纬咨询), and corporate development (雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)). 卡洛 leverages his skills in corporate finance, 商业策略, 以及国际业务发展,帮助公司扩大规模,为投资者创造价值.


贝恩 & 公司


Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania



  • 支持某保险公司三年战略规划的制定与实施(项目历时两年多). Defined a 100-day implementation plan and designed a monitoring system. Acted as an expert in areas such as direct insurance proposition, 重新设计汽车关税, and tied agents network resizing. Defined the sales strategy and supported the M&卖方活动.
  • Designed and launched a lifestyle health and life program, 类似于活力, for a 欧洲an insurer including sport, 营养, 幸福, 工作与生活的平衡. 与私人教练和营养学家密切合作,设计课程内容.
  • 为一家瑞士健康保险公司定义补充健康保险的策略和目标产品, including an engagement program related to sport and 营养. Supported the restyling and repricing of products.
  • 为一家英国保险公司定义了目标运营模式定义(约1年的项目). 协调IT供应商选择,包括推荐最合适的平台.
  • Defined the Target Operating Model for the finance function of an insurer, encompassing full organization and processes review of the business acquired in Benelux to foster integration to the Group; defined target processes and controls under the input of relevant Group functions, reporting findings to the Steering Group (~1-year project).
  • 定义了一家私人养老金提供商的客户旅程和目标运营模式. Coordinated IT vendor scouting and selection. Presented key findings to the board of directors (~1-year project).
  • Conducted full strategic review for a consortium of insurers; reported results to the Board of Directors; supported the definition of the 3-year strategic plan.
  • 为一家欧洲银行集团在意大利和西班牙的银行保险业务制定战略评估和新的业务计划.
  • 为一家领先的IT供应商定义了欧洲保险垂直市场的进入策略.
  • Carried out due diligence in mid market lending.
  • Carried out due diligence on a 欧洲an price comparison website.
  • Carried out due diligence on an insurance company.
  • Carried out due diligence on a large insurance intermediary (broker/agency).
  • 为一家制药公司进行组织审查,重新定义了人才获取的方法和工具.
  • Defined the strategy for an asset and wealth management group, 包括重新定位顾问的分销网络,以及围绕成长型股票和房地产私人股本推出机构发行.
  • Supported the entry strategy of a Series B US fintech in the UK market.
  • Led the product and market fit for a 一个系列 US marketplace.
  • Conducted financial modeling for a commercial real estate transaction in the US.
  • 评估了加拿大医疗保健服务的可行性和吸引力.
  • Conducted market research on the 欧洲an price comparison vertical.
Focus areas: 用户体验(UX), Customer Experience Management, 客户互动, Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), 客户研究, 客户分析, 投资银行, 商业银行, 抵押贷款, 金融服务, 保险, 尽职调查, 保险精算, 财务规划 & 分析(FP&A), 财务比率分析, 业务规划, Pitch Deck顾问, 市场规模, 商业模式, 预测, 收入 & 费用预测, 球场上甲板, 金融建模, 市场研究, 市场, 商业策略, 收入预测, 市场研究 & 分析, 数据分析, 金融, 业务分析, 变更管理, Organizational 变更管理 (OCM), 组织设计, Total Addressable Market (TAM), Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM), 联合王国, 预付借记卡, 卡支付, 一个系列, 融资, 创业公司, Fintech, 欧洲, 风险资本, RiskMetrics, 软件即服务(SaaS), SaaS, P&L预测, 现金流量模型, 商业策略, 市场策, 营销计划, 增长战略, 筹款

Business Plan Expert (Fintech | Enterprise | Subscription)

2023 - 2023
  • 制定完整的商业计划,包括财务模型和投资要求.
  • 进行TAM、SAM和SOM分析,以量化机会的潜力.
  • Helped with structuring the deal among the founders, identifying the key items to be included in the founders agreement.
重点领域:商业规划,欧博体育app下载,定价模型,财务模型,收益 & 费用预测, 商业模式, Three-statement建模, 企业SaaS, 商业计划咨询, 能源, 咨询


2008 - 2009
  • Carried out due diligence in fund administration.
  • Created a business plan for investment in ground rents.
  • 定义围绕银行保险业务(交叉销售/追加销售)的保险公司和银行的运营和业务集成的业务案例, and the launch of bancassurance in other African countries, 举几个例子).
  • 领导一家保险公司IT和运营部门的组织审查和重新设计.
  • Led the definition of the IT roadmap of an insurance company.
Focus areas: 业务规划, 尽职调查, 合并 & 收购(M&A), 市场规模, 商业模式, 预测, 收入 & 费用预测, 球场上甲板, 金融建模, 市场研究, 商业策略, 收入预测, 市场研究 & 分析, 数据分析, 金融, 业务分析, 变更管理, Organizational 变更管理 (OCM), 组织设计, Total Addressable Market (TAM), Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM), 联合王国, 现金流量模型, 商业策略, 市场策, 营销计划

Director of Corporate Strategy and Business Development

2005 - 2008
雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)
  • Prepared strategic reviews for the Board of Directors: 欧洲an mortgages, 资产管理, 德国, 意大利特许经营.
  • Led expansion projects into emerging markets, via set up of representative offices, the acquisition of local brokerage companies, and assessment of joint-venture opportunities.
  • 主导项目进入意大利抵押贷款市场:分销系统分析, 主要参与者和产品, identification of entry options, estimation of synergies of mortgage platform acquisition, and assessment of the impact of acquisition (accretion/dilution).
  • 对欧洲的抵押贷款业务进行全面的潜力评估:对抵押贷款平台的绩效进行基准测试,并确定以流程和成本效率(自动化)为重点的改进计划, 和外包, 例如).
  • 收购一家土耳其经纪公司:对雷曼兄弟进行估值并模拟其财务影响, 开发结构, supported negotiations and definition of the term sheet, 协调尽职调查, supported negotiation of the SPA, achieved internal unconditional approval for the acquisition, 支持申请流程,以获得土耳其银行监管部门的批准和许可证的转让.
  • 作为代理人和委托人,领导项目在全球范围内发展保险业务. 在纽约组织了一次高级管理讲习班,以评估所确定机会的吸引力.
  • Supported the fundraising of a large real estate private equity fund, 与房地产团队就保密信息备忘录(CIM)密切合作.
Focus areas: 战略规划, 合并 & 收购(M&A), 市场规模, 商业模式, 预测, 收入 & 费用预测, 球场上甲板, 金融建模, 融资策略, 商业策略, 收入预测, 市场研究 & 分析, 数据分析, 金融, 业务分析, 变更管理, Total Addressable Market (TAM), Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM), 联合王国, 估值, 估值建模, M&(买方), DCF估值, 现金流量模型, 市场策, 营销计划, 筹款


1998 - 2005
贝恩 & 公司
  • 领导全球土方和农业设备制造商的战略审查:确定临界质量的重要性,并量化规模的财务影响, 分析导致收购第二大竞争对手的潜在收购目标.
  • 房地产资产分拆可行性分析(并为新成立的房地产公司准备商业计划书).
  • 领导一家非寿险公司理赔管理部门的业务流程再造.
  • Carried-out a check-up of the life insurer; measured portfolio and new product profitability applying actuarial techniques. Developed a tableau de bord and a performance improvement plan. 支持全寿命产品的重新设计,占新业务的60%以上.
  • Supported the strategic plan and of the IPO process for an insurer.
  • Carried-out a check-up of operations of a financial services provider; proposed short-term improvement actions and designed a medium-term plan for performance improvement.
  • Carried out due diligence on equipment rental.
  • Carried out due diligence on agricultural tools.
  • Carried out due diligence on consulting and training services.
  • Led the strategic review of a niche Italian fashion brand.
  • Led the acquisition of the Italian distributor of a US fashion brand.
Focus areas: 性能改进, 业务规划, 保险, 金融服务, 市场规模, 商业模式, 预测, 收入 & 费用预测, 球场上甲板, 金融建模, 市场研究, 商业策略, 收入预测, 市场研究 & 分析, 数据分析, 金融, 业务分析, 变更管理, 组织设计, 估值, 欧洲, DCF估值, 现金流量模型, 市场策, 营销计划, 筹款

Analyst, 投资银行 Division, M&一个顾问

1997 - 1998
德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)
  • Developed financial models for valuation purposes. Compared model valuation results with transaction and market multiples.
  • 分析杠杆交易结构(与税务和法律顾问一起)及其对企业估值的影响.
Focus areas: 杠杆收购模型, 杠杆融资, 杠杆收购(LBO), 反向收购, 合并 & 收购(M&),收入 & 费用预测, 球场上甲板, 金融建模, 商业策略, 收入预测, 估值, 欧洲, M&(买方), DCF估值, 现金流量模型, 项目融资
2000 - 2002

硕士学位 in Business Administration (MBA)

Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania - Philadelphia, US

1993 - 1997


路易吉博科尼大学 - Milan, Italy


财务规划 & 分析(FP&一)、合并 & 收购(M&A)、财富管理、数据分析、尽职调查、预算、预测、收入 & 费用预测, 金融建模, 市场研究, Total Addressable Market (TAM), 估值, 估值建模, P&L预测, 现金流量模型, 融资策略, 一个系列, RiskMetrics, M&(买方), DCF估值, 筹款, 项目融资, 反向收购, 杠杆收购模型, Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), Three-statement建模


Excel 2016, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word


金融服务, 保险, 资产管理, 保密 Information Memorandum (CIM), 风险资本, 能源



Data & 分析软件

Microsoft Access


全力投入, Operating Models, Operating & 服务模式改进, Microsoft Visio, 投资意向书谈判, 方差分析(ANOVA), 业务规划, 信息备忘录, 投资者的演讲, 投资者关系, Pitch Deck顾问, 市场规模, 商业模式, 球场上甲板, 市场, 商业策略, 收入预测, 市场研究 & 分析, 金融, 业务分析, 变更管理, Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM), Fintech, 市场策, 营销计划, 增长战略, 操作流, 杠杆收购(LBO), 构建, 价格谈判, Organizational 变更管理 (OCM), 组织设计, 预付借记卡, 卡支付, 融资, 创业公司, 软件即服务(SaaS), SaaS, 商业策略, 杠杆融资, 性能改进, 战略规划, 财务比率分析, 保险精算, 抵押贷款, 商业银行, 投资银行, 客户分析, 客户研究, 客户互动, Customer Experience Management, 用户体验(UX), 欧博体育app下载, 定价模型, 企业SaaS, 商业计划咨询, 咨询









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