格雷格 Barasia, CFA,美国纽约金融专家
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格雷格 Barasia, CFA

Verified Expert  in 金融

金融 Expert

New York, NY, United States
Toptal Member Since
September 16, 2019

格雷格已经执行了超过200亿美元的交易,从种子期风险投资到大型企业收购. 他的经验跨越了资本结构,包括在Lazard frires和华尔街一些顶级私人投资公司的时间. He has worked as as a fractional 首席财务官, M&A and financing advisor, and board member. 格雷格喜欢自由职业,因为这让他可以与各种各样的客户和公司合作.

Career Highlights

Vice President
GKM Advisors
Analyst | Associate
Lazard Frères & Co.

教育 Highlights

Bachelor's Degree
New York University

Certification Highlights

Case Studies

Work Experience

Director, Private Investment Strategies

2017 - PRESENT
New Vernon 资本
  • 将两个家族办公室的私人投资平台制度化,管理约1美元.5 billion through direct investment in venture, 增长和私募股权以及共同投资和有限合伙人职位.
  • 采购, conducted due diligence, 谈判, 他还组织了对一个价值约1500万美元的在线零售平台和消费电子品牌的收购和随后的整合.
  • 对一家价值8.25亿美元的私人航空公司进行尽职调查并组织共同投资, a $160 million consumer packaged goods (CPG) company, and a $15 million business services company.
  • 为运输等行业的公司建立内外部使用的三语句模型和运营预测, 电子商务 and financial services, among others.
  • Constructed valuation models, LBO analyses, 以及为能源等行业的公司提供资本投资便利的投资者材料, 食物 & beverage, and construction services, among others.
Focus areas: 电子商务, Investments, 估值, 金融, Growth Equity, Business Development, 合并 & Acquisitions (M&A)、资本结构优化、风险投资、私募股权

Vice President

2015 - 2017
GKM Advisors
  • 领导业务发展工作,包括直接投资, capital structure advisory, and growth consulting.
  • Served as the interim 首席财务官 of a $40 million, 这家由风投支持的SaaS CRM公司成功完成了1000万美元的股权融资.
  • Conducted due diligence on, 结构化, 并安排了收购融资,包括6.5亿美元的酒店收购和1.2亿美元的油气资产收购.
  • 识别中低端市场的投资机会, including a $4 million mobile development platform, a $5 million industry and trade publication, a $20 million water purification company, and a $50 million data services company.
  • 为包括SaaS在内的行业的公司开发了三句话模型和运营预测, consumer retail, and cleantech among others.
  • Created valuation models, LBO analyses, 和投资者的材料,以方便资本投资的公司在行业,包括房地产, consumer packaged goods, 和SaaS, among others.
Focus areas: Investments, M&A (Sell-side), 估值, 合并 & Acquisitions (M&A), 金融, Investment Banking, Management Consulting, Business Development, Venture 资本, Investment 资本 Raising, 资本 Structure Optimization, Private Equity, Growth Equity

Analyst | Associate

2012 - 2014
Lazard Frères & Co.
  • 完成超过200亿美元的交易咨询,包括担任汉堡王以150亿美元收购Tim Hortons的唯一买方顾问,以及Holiday Retirement向Ventas出售加拿大房地产投资组合的唯一卖方顾问.
  • Evaluated strategic alternatives, including acquisitions, divestitures, and capital structure allocation, on behalf of numerous public and private companies.
  • 评估与客户定位相关的宏观经济和行业趋势,定性地确定增加增长的途径.
  • Developed long-term, 三报表财务模型,以确定现金流量和资本结构的趋势.
  • 创建完整的估值分析,包括交易可比性, precedent transactions, dividend discounts, sum of the parts, 马克斯支付, and discounted cash flow analyses.
  • 分析客户子公司的资本配置影响,以确定最终杠杆和盈利状况.
  • 构建多个并购和杠杆收购模型,根据目标财务阈值确定交易的可行性, including relative earnings, realized returns, and value accretion.
  • 识别和评估最优的公司调整策略,包括子公司销售和业务分离.
  • 准备并向客户高级管理层提交报告,以回顾可选方案分析的定性和定量结果.
  • 进行尽职调查,评估客户和目标公司的长期生存能力.
  • 直接与客户高层管理人员和潜在投资者沟通,协调交易流程.
Focus areas: Investments, Private Equity, 估值, 金融, Investment Banking, Financial Modeling, Corporate 金融, Leveraged Buyout (LBO), M&A (Buy-side), M&A (Sell-side), 合并 & Acquisitions (M&A)
2009 - 2011


Cornell University - Ithaca, NY, USA

2006 - 2009

Bachelor's Degree in Business Management

New York University - New York, NY, USA


Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA)

CAIA Association


Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)

CFA Institute


资本 Structure Optimization, M&A (Sell-side), M&A (Buy-side), Corporate 金融, Equity 融资, Asset 估值, Angel/Seed Funding, 预测, Startup Funding, 筹款, Seed 筹款, 收入 & Expense Projections, Three-statement Modeling, 一个系列, Equity 研究, Due Diligence, Market 研究, Financial Planning & Analysis (FP&A)、定价、财务报告、现金流模型、收益分析&A Modeling, 合并 & Acquisitions (M&A), Recapitalization, 估值, 估值 Modeling, 资本, 资本 Raising, Growth Equity, Growth 资本 Raising, Private Equity, Leveraged Buyout Modeling, 首席财务官, Financial Modeling

Output Software


Data & Analysis Software

Bloomberg, 资本 IQ

Industry Expertise

Early-stage 创业公司, Technology, 服装 & 采购产品配件,机构投资者,美国风险基金,房地产,娱乐 & 采购产品休闲,时尚,体育,风险投资,资本市场,金融服务,零售 & 批发

Geographic Expertise

United States, North America


Business Development, Investment 资本 Raising, Management Consulting, Debt 融资, Sensitivity Analysis, Investment Cases, Acquisitions, Post-merger Integration, 创业公司, Angel Investing, 球场上甲板, Pitch Deck Consultant, B2C, Investments, 电子商务, SaaS, Due Diligence Consultant, Business Models, Business Planning, 融资, 媒体, Early-stage Venture 资本, Investor Relations, Payment Processing, Software as a Service (SaaS), Data Centers, Marketplaces, 平安险, Excel Modeling, Fintech, Financial Writer, Investor Presentations, Presentations, 台湾海陆运输公司, Shopify, Business Strategy, Business Consulting, Investment Banking, Private 资本 Markets, Budget Modeling, 临时首席财务官, 电子商务 Platforms, Business Plan Consulting, 体育 & 体育,金融,杠杆收购,杠杆融资

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