

随着转向敏捷工作的熟练专业人员数量的增加, 探索人才经济与零工经济的不同之处, 它是如何提供一个非常不同的利益和挑战的组合, 以及为什么这可能意味着传统就业的终结.

随着转向敏捷工作的熟练专业人员数量的增加, 探索人才经济与零工经济的不同之处, 它是如何提供一个非常不同的利益和挑战的组合, 以及为什么这可能意味着传统就业的终结.


作为企业战略副总裁, Michael is responsible for driving the rapid scaling of our Enterprise business.


This article was co-written with Jon Younger, Founder of the Agile 人才 Collaborative.

这是过去五年社会的主要趋势之一, 当然在商业上也是如此, 是“零工经济”. 比如优步, Fiverr, Instacart, 99年设计, 和 TaskRabbit allow people from all over the world to provide on-dem和 services in a wide range of areas, from driving people to the grocery store to designing someone’s next book cover.

这是无可争辩的 影响 这些平台已经影响了我们的生活和工作方式. It took Uber only five years to disrupt a taxi industry that dates back to the 17th century, 在300多个城市部署超过100万名司机, 记录它的第10亿次飞行. Numerous studies 和 articles highlight the growth of freelance, or “gig” work, from 麦肯锡他估计,美国有多达1.62亿人患有糖尿病.S. 和欧盟15国目前从事独立工作 《欧博体育app下载》他认为,美国有50%的人.S. 到2020年,劳动力将由自由职业者组成.

推动零工经济的公司庆祝其好处——灵活性, 额外收入, 自由, 为工人提供机会, 并且便于客户使用. 相反, there has been a significant amount of coverage on the challenges presented by the Gig Economy, 包括缺乏稳定性, 工资下行压力, 有限的机会, 以及工人就业前景的空心化.

While there is certainly cause for debate with respect to the 影响 of lower-wage, 将零工经济产品商品化, 这些对所有独立功都成立吗? Is a lack of stability in employment a result of the Gig Economy 和 the platforms driving this shift in work, or are the platforms responding to a general shift in the nature of employment, 雇主不能保证终身雇佣的地方, 员工们再也不能指望它了?

Lost in the discussion is a deeper underst和ing of the root causes of this shift, as well as a distinction in the types of independent work that people engage in. The situation of an A-list Hollywood actor is not the same as an Uber driver, 和 a student working 15 hours a week making Instacart deliveries is not the same as an independent consultant helping a Fortune 500 company take advantage of a new technology.

我们认为,实际上存在两种“零工经济”——零工经济, 在哪里工作是商品化的,平台是差异化的, 与人才经济, 人才是差异化因素,平台是推动者.


零工经济, customers are provided with on-dem和 access to broadly available 和 undifferentiated services - the ease of access 和 low cost is the differentiator, 不一定是提供服务的个人.

在人才经济中, the customer is actually buying the skill 和 expertise of the 人才 - the platform is merely a “market maker” to paraphrase 阿伦Sundararajan 以及其他权威人士, 这降低了传统就业和人力市场的低效率, 和 enables the discovery of talent that is otherwise invisible to the customer.


One topic that is even more frequently discussed 和 written about than the Gig Economy, 尤其是在商界, 是人才缺口. 几项研究,包括 普华永道凯捷 (还有我们自己的 研究), have identified the ability to find the right talent as a key business risk.

我们最近调查了超过1个,000 business leaders 和 managers around the world 和 asked them to list the primary drivers for engaging non-employee talent to work with their internal teams. The top three reasons were flexibility, access to expertise, 和 speed - cost was a distant fourth. 一项由 德勤 in 2014 found that 51% of executives 调查ed expected the use of contingent (agile) talent to increase in the next 3-5 years. 我们自己的 调查 2017年,这一数字跃升至76%以上. There is no doubt that executive confidence in the durability of the talent economy side of gigging continues to grow across geographies 和 industries.

这很有道理. 商业和技术变革的步伐是无情的, 一个组织所需要的人才的范围——具体的技能, 能力, 而经验——每周都在变化, 如果不是每天, 虽然对紧缺技能的竞争越来越激烈. 拥有更高效的人才市场, 公司能够组建拥有他们所需要的合适人才的团队, 正是他们需要的时候. 人才, 反过来, 是否更有能力为自己和自己的事业找到最好的机会, 根据他们当时最重要的是什么(灵活性), 机会, 收入, 远程工作能力, 等.).

商业变化的步伐要求团队以更快的速度组建, 以及多次调整, all of which is putting pressure on traditional hiring 和 talent acquisition mechanisms. 零工经济, 通过某些服务的商品化, is making it easier 和 more cost-effective to obtain commoditized services more quickly, but it does not do an effective job at providing a platform for organizations to obtain highly-skilled, 差异化人才与服务. 高技能人才, 同样的“gig”概念也在应用, 但对工人的影响却截然不同, 而且原因非常不同.


在人才经济中, people with in-dem和 skills 和 capabilities can unlock opportunities from around the world, 和 organizations can quickly 和 easily build the teams they need to compete in a dynamic global economy. 在我们最近的调查中, we also asked the same group of business leaders to identify the important factors in engaging outside talent - the quality of the talent was the most important driver by far, 几乎是成本的两倍.

这表明在人才经济中, 企业正在寻找最优秀的人才, 不是最便宜的. 结果是, rather than be limited to a small number of opportunities that are right in front of them, talented individuals will be able to make themselves available to a much larger range of opportunities, 本地和全球. 有更多的选择, they will be able to optimize against the considerations that are most important to them - flexibility, 补偿, 能力建设, 或者有机会参与一个特别有趣的项目.

但是稳定性呢?? 随着人才经济的发展, 人才市场变得更加深入和高效, 它实际上可以给人才带来更多的稳定性, 尤其是拥有更有价值技能的人才. 而不是依赖于单一的公司, 或者在顾问的情况下, 一家咨询公司, 人才将有机会从事更广泛的工作, 反过来, 驱动器稳定.

当然, laws 和 regulations will need to change to support talented workers in this new model, 我们需要重新思考许多传统的支持结构. 而是在需要时组建高技能工人团队的能力, 和 the ability for talented workers to choose from a wide range of opportunities, 是否有一种新兴趋势可以为所有相关方带来重大利益, 如果操作正确.


Basic economic theory tells us that when something in a marketplace is not differentiated, 它变得商品化了, 在哪些地方,成本是主要的决策因素. This will inevitably push down the price of that commodity in that particular marketplace. We could certainly debate whether an Uber driver or Instacart delivery person is providing a commoditized service to those platforms, 但不管怎样, 市场就是这样对待这些服务的, because they are driving the price of the labor powering those services downward.

但软件工程师也是如此吗, 数据科学家, 机器学习专家, 金融专业人士, 或者电影摄影师? Is there a difference between two software engineers, 和 the value they provide an organization? 我们的研究和经验表明,这是有区别的, 当一个市场的价值点是高度分化和需求旺盛的, 价格上涨, 尤其是对最好的人.

结果是, 人才经济可能是传统就业的终结, 但这也不是坏事, 因为它背后的人才, 或者对于那些从聘用最优秀的人才中受益的组织来说. 虽然他们在某些方面是相似的, there are distinct differences between the Gig Economy 与人才经济 - 和 their 影响s on individuals, 企业, 和社会. 正如我们之前提到的, the 人才 Economy offers organizations access to highly skilled talent (a crucial problem for employers), 差异化的工作, 高增长潜力, 和 control for workers - all the employee benefits that appear non-existent in the commoditized work currently driving the Gig Economy.

有了这个产品, it will come as no surprise when more highly-skilled professionals turn to agile work. 像这样, this will have a profound 影响 on how organizations discover talent 和 build teams, 以及有技能的人如何找到机会.


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