Dominik Mayer,胡志明市产品经理,越南胡志明市
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Dominik Mayer

Verified Expert  in Product Management

Product Manager

Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
Toptal Member Since
December 24, 2018

多米尼克认为,对生活的强烈热情来自于寻求挑战, knowledge, 每天都有新的经历——无论是个人的还是职业的——培养独立性, spur intellectual freedom, and embolden creativity. As a product management consultant, he propels businesses to build better, 可持续的产品线,有利于他们的品牌和他们对未来的愿景.

Project Highlights

Creating a Product Organization
Indian Malls
Conducted interviews with Indian mall operators, retailers, and industry experts and drafted a minimum viable product.
GDPR Compliance


Work Experience


2017 - PRESENT
  • 引入Shape Up,提高产品和软件开发效率.
  • 在一对一的基础上和小组研讨会上指导内部产品团队.
  • Led team of operations, customer service, legal, IT部门建立组织和技术措施,以确保数据保护合规,避免关闭或巨额罚款.

Product Management Consultant

2015 - 2017
str84wd Products
  • 作为项目负责人,优化客户的预付费技术堆栈,将发布停机时间减少了65%.
  • 分析300多万电信客户在迁移前和迁移过程中的呼叫场景.
  • 为目标系统编写规范,实施预算超过200万欧元.
  • 找到、接触并采访了40多家商场经营者、零售商和行业专家.
  • 编写了一份65页的研究报告,并促进了战略决策.

Senior Product Manager

2015 - 2015
  • Oversaw the German and Chinese web and mobile shop.
  • 为需求、测试和发布设置流程,使每月的发布增加一倍.
  • 主导推出中文手机网站和爱他美订房服务.

Product Manager

2012 - 2015
  • 在从基于项目的组织到基于产品的组织的转变中,领导了管理上的变革. 定义了受全体领导启发的角色,以明确产品团队内部的责任.
  • Defined eight standardized, 从前的项目组合中分离出可组合的产品,降低了复杂性, decreasing customer decision time from months to weeks/days.
  • 引入以市场为导向的定价,以识别策略性使用平台的客户.
  • 培训销售团队,向中小企业和跨国公司展示产品组合.
  • Managed the product portfolio targeted at strategic purchasers.
  • 每个月拜访大约三个客户,了解他们的产品使用和需求.g. procurement workflows, ERP systems, logistics setups).
  • 作为十人Scrum团队的产品负责人,制定路线图并计划执行.g.,从当前版本中链接新目录管理功能以获得早期反馈).
  • 优化内部流程,降低客户获取和连接成本.
  • 转变组织以支持系统化的产品开发.
  • 与IT部门一起实施敏捷软件开发流程.

Creating a Product Organization


该公司有一支销售队伍,向潜在客户提供许多将欧博体育app下载集成到客户系统中的选择. 这导致了很长的决策时间,因为客户需要考虑很多正确的设置. 公司内部没有处理新客户的标准方法,这使得每个新客户都是一个昂贵且耗时的项目.

In cooperation with legal, sales, project management, and operations departments, 我创建了具有易于理解的产品描述的标准产品. 这些产品可以单独预订,也可以组合在一起进行更深层次的整合.


Indian Malls

Conducted interviews with Indian mall operators, retailers, and industry experts and drafted a minimum viable product.


我飞到班加罗尔和金奈,用冷淡的方式与几家商场的经理和商场开发商取得了联系. After learning about the problems those mall developers face, I could then validate that there is a need for the product.

GDPR Compliance


客户端操作一个聊天机器人系统,该系统为用户提供有关其帐户的信息. With the introduction of the GDPR, 客户需要确保整个系统满足所有的法律要求.

I coordinated the client‘s data protection, operations, and IT teams to assess the system, fix technical issues, 并建立所有必要的流程,以确保完全遵守.

Post-merger Integration of a Telecommunications Provider

Largest European customer migration project at the time.

我领导的项目优化了预付费技术堆栈,将发布停机时间减少了65%. 我在迁移前和迁移过程中分析了300多万客户的调用场景,并为目标系统编写了规范,实现预算超过200万欧元.
2019 - 2019

Completed a Language Class in Vietnamese


2010 - 2012

Master of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering and Management

Technische Universität München - Munich, Germany

2004 - 2010

Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering

Technische Universität München - Munich, Germany

2008 - 2009

Certificate of Intermediate Chinese in Mandarin Chinese

Tongji University - Shanghai, China


HSK 5 (Advanced Chinese)

Hanban, Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China


DELF 2nd Degré (Intermediate French)

Républice Française, Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale


Trello, LaTeX, Jira, Confluence, Cucumber, Figma


MacOS, Arch Linux


Requirements Analysis, Agile Product Management, Agile Workflow, Scrum, Kanban, Agile, Test-driven Development (TDD), Waterfall Development, Agile Project Management, Marketplace Platforms

Industry Expertise



Consulting, iOS, Lean Startups, Customer Development, Customer Interviews, Lean Development, Lean Product Development, User Research, Requirements, Functional Requirements, Business Requirements, Contract Negotiation, Product Design, Software as a Service (SaaS), Enterprise SaaS, SaaS, Chatbots, Coaching, Contract, Virtual Work, Product Owner, Product Management, Business Analysis, Product Roadmaps, Go-to-market Plans, Business Models, Product Frameworks, Innovation, Product Ownership, Product Discovery, Product Delivery, BRD, Software Requirements Specifications (SRS), Outsourced Product Management Professional, Product Coach, Technical Product Management, Productivity, SaaS Product Management, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), User Interviews, Stakeholder Interviews, Lean Experiments, Notion, Twist, B2B, Customer Discovery, Product Vision, Digital Product Development, Development, Technical Requirements, Feature Roadmaps, Product Requirements Documentation (PRD), Roadmaps, Product Consultant, Requirements & Specifications, B2B Product Management, User Stories, Project Tracking, Business to Business (B2B), Web & Mobile Applications, Technology Trends, eCommerce, Retail & Wholesale, China, Platforms, Asia, Waterfall Delivery, Project Management, Distributed Team Management, Business Model Canvas, GDPR, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Procurement, Growth, Product Strategy, Product Procurement Manager, Product Planning, IT Project Management, User Experience (UX), Shape Up, Technical Project Management, Mentorship & Coaching, Lean, Risk Management, Stakeholder Management, Startups, Strategy, Jobs to be Done (JTBD), Communication, Waterfall Methodology, Product Launch, Early-stage Startups, Feature Backlog Prioritization, Sprint Planning, GPT, Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), Vietnam, Management, Mentorship, Leadership, Linux, Elm, Java, Product Marketing, Marketing, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotics, Computer Vision, Hardware, Business Strategy, New Products & 服务、api、安全、开源、信息、机械工程、研究、产品增长

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