Jeremy Horowitz, Product Manager in New York, NY, United States
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Jeremy Horowitz

Verified Expert  in Product Management

Product Manager

New York, NY, United States
Toptal Member Since
April 29, 2019

Jeremy是一名使命驱动型产品经理,他为两个免费增值SaaS工具和五个电子商务商店推出了用户获取和增长计划. 他直接与工程团队合作,打造具有出色用户体验的产品, founded in customer feedback and a data-driven approach.

Project Highlights

UX Redesign for Website
Led the complete redesign of, increasing the company's KPIs of CVR (+3%), AOV (+5%) and RPV (+10%).
Launched First Loyalty Program for LuMee
Related Noise Weebly App
领导“相关噪音周刊”应用程序的GTM战略,将客户群从100人增加到20人,000 users in four months.


Work Experience

eCommerce Consultant

2019 - PRESENT
  • Deployed 55 questions to 18,000 customers collecting feedback across demo and psychographic information, customer satisfaction, product quality, and product requests.
  • Presented insights to an internal team of ten members informing manufacturing, marketing, executive, development, and support teams of findings.
  • 分析16个月的销售数据,确定最有价值的客户和最畅销的商品.
  • 确定每个客户的平均收入、购买频率和购买间隔时间.

eCommerce Consultant

2018 - 2018
Knomo London
  • 在包括产品在内的十人团队中开发了敏捷项目管理方法, marketing, support, and executive teams.
  • 根据艾森豪威尔矩阵优先次序方法,将积压的75项任务重新列为六个月路线图.
  • 分析了500个用户的屏幕记录,以确定购物体验中更大的摩擦点,从而确定网站重新设计功能列表的优先级.
  • 设计三个月的促销日程表,协调零售和分销渠道.

eCommerce Product Manager

2016 - 2018
  • Created and maintained a product roadmap for site updates, and ran A/B tests that lead to a 3% increase in CVR, a 5% increase in AOV, and a 10% increase in RPV YOY.
  • 制定并实施了7封自动化的生命周期电子邮件,使2017年的渠道收入增加了207%, and 36% in 2018.
  • Designed and deployed six customer feedback surveys gathering 9,052 responses that reprioritized website development, product manufacturing, marketing, and customer support initiatives.
  • 根据业务目标(新产品)的变化,建立并更新渠道的年度销售预测, marketing initiatives, and promotions).
  • 设计年度促销日历,围绕新产品发布和LuMee客户群的周期性购买行为来推动收入.

Product Manager

2016 - 2016
Cue Connect
  • 创建并维护业务需求文档,以便跨三个产品(可注入的网站小部件)重新构建450个功能, merchant data portal API and CMS app integration, and IOS SDK).
  • 监督一个13人的开发团队,发布了50个集成电子商务应用程序和商家数据仪表板的功能,带来了新客户,这段时间的MRR翻了一番.
  • 为5名销售和2名客户成功团队成员重新培训产品和销售定位.

Product Manager

2015 - 2016
Related Noise
  • Grew the user base for a social content embed widget from 100 to 20,000 in four months.
  • Created the scope and deployed the go-to-market freemium pricing strategy. Designed the upsell tiers to balance increased service with client growth.
  • Redesigned the sign-up flow UX. This was based on insights garnered by conducting 50 user interviews and A/B testing, increasing the completion rate by 25% month-over-month.

Partner, VP of Marketing

2014 - 2014
  • Secured the investment of seed capital from investors.
  • Analyzed the competitive marketplace of $4 billion (TAM) and 20 competitors, which led to a major business pivot, and the strategic positioning of the company and product.
  • 为产品团队总结100次访谈和40次可用性测试的客户反馈,并对其进行排序.
  • 与财富500强企业和中小企业建立战略合作伙伴关系.
  • 战略性地领导和实施所有外部营销和数字沟通, social and email campaigns.
  • Created the brand identity and persona for company and web application.
  • Recruited, hired and paired key talent to grow cohesive cross-functional teams.

UX Redesign for Website

Led the complete redesign of, increasing the company's KPIs of CVR (+3%), AOV (+5%) and RPV (+10%).

Led a team of one UX/UI designer, a CRO expert, and three developers to rebuild the front-end UX for As part of a company-wide rebranding, 我们对整个网站的美学和导航进行了彻底的改革,以解决客户与以前购物体验的核心问题.

该项目的一个主要元素是在移动响应式网站上为我们的购物者提供移动应用程序体验. 85%的网站流量来自移动设备(主要来自社交媒体网站), 重新设计的网站专注于在移动响应式网站中重现移动应用导航的交互和导航功能.


In addition to redesigning the cart experience to be a dynamic Ajax sliding cart, 我们还添加了一键式追加销售,将整个商店的点击率从7%提高到17%.

Launched First Loyalty Program for LuMee


该公司专注于留住客户,提高潜在客户和客户的品牌忠诚度. Working across the marketing, support and finance teams, we designed a rewards and loyalty program to provide incentives for prospects, as well as new and loyal customers to take valuable "brand actions."

Major components of the project included:
1) Competitive research on successful loyalty programs for eCommerce and retail brands.
2)与市场团队合作,识别最有价值的“品牌行动”,将潜在客户转化为潜在客户, prospects into customers, and customers into loyalists.
3) Worked with the finance team to define the unit economics of the program.
4)领导设计和开发自定义构建,并与第三方奖励平台(Swell)集成到我们的POS (Shopify).
5) Documented processes for the customer support team.

After deploying the program, we saw an 8% increase in the repeat customer rate.

Related Noise Weebly App

领导“相关噪音周刊”应用程序的GTM战略,将客户群从100人增加到20人,000 users in four months.

当我加入这个团队时,公司正在通过其网站relatednoise获得客户.com, but it was too technical for the users (SMB blogs) to configure on their site. 与Weebly达成合作协议,成为其新应用商店首批发布的30款应用之一, I then led the development and launch of the app in under one month.


2) The blogger would select the type of content they wanted to appear on their site.
3) The blogger would choose the design template for the feed.

通过这些改进,我们的注册完成率逐月提高了25%. 在获得用户两个月后,我们成为了Weebly应用商店的推荐应用.

Tripled the Email Revenue of LuMee

白手起家,组建了一支5人的电子邮件团队,使渠道收入在2009年增长了347%.5 years.

When I took over the email channel at LuMee in H1 2017, the channel drove six figures in revenue, but emails were rarely sent. There were no automated emails or segmenting occurring. 我与一名自由平面设计师和文案撰稿人合作,建立了7封自动生命周期电子邮件,收入超过500美元,000 in revenue by year-end.

We optimized the email capture experience to increase our email capture rate by 45%.

With these improvements, 我们扩大了团队,引进了一名电子邮件顾问和营销经理,通过更深入的数据分析和细分,继续扩大渠道. 该渠道从非优先级发展成为LuMee的第三大创收营销渠道.com.
2018 - 2019

The Complete Data Science Bootcamp in Data Science

Udemy - New York

2018 - 2018

The Complete Sketch 5 Course in UI Design

Udemy - New York

2015 - 2015

Product Management in Product Managent

General Assembly - New York

2010 - 2014

Bachelor's Degree in Advertising and Marketing

University of Maryland - Maryland


Asana, Shopify Plus, Google Analytics, InVision, Jira, Hotjar, Sketch, Optimizely


Shopify, Mixpanel, Jupyter Notebook, Anaconda


Agile Product Management, Scrum, Kanban, Rapid Prototyping, Usability Testing


Product Roadmaps, Product Management, Business Analysis, Requirements, Product Strategy, Go-to-market Plans, Business Models, Product Design, Product Marketing, Product Frameworks, Innovation, Product Ownership, Product Discovery, Lucidchart, User Research, Use Cases, SaaS, eCommerce, Mobile eCommerce, Prototyping, Heatmaps, Information Architecture (IA), Survey Development & Analysis, HTML, Python, System Process Mapping

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