奥伦 is 可用 租用
雇佣 奥伦


验证专家  in 产品管理



奥伦 is a seasoned technical entrepreneur with more than 13 years of experience—having co-founded a startup, 提高了1美元.500万的风险投资,并担任首席技术官. 拥有开发人员的Skills, 产品负责人, 策略师, 和领袖, he has also built numerous products for startups and held management positions focused on product, 策略, 和原型设计. 他重视结构化的流程和亲力亲为的方法.


Automated manual content editing which optimized the process, 降低90%的成本, 并将发布吞吐量提高了100倍.
Improved the scalability and resource usage of the company by transforming in-house product usage to a third-party tool.
Led the product design and development for the data-driven creation of Facebook value-based audience—reducing 50% in CPA.




2019 - 2019
HeyJobs GmbH是一家
  • Spearheaded business innovation and second horizon initiatives.
  • Created quick prototypes and MVPs to assess new business opportunities, and to aid the company in quick value gains with minimal friction to the main product line.
  • Guided the company 策略 in content, marketing, and business partnerships fields.


2018 - 2019
HeyJobs GmbH是一家
  • Led the entire job seeker acquisition department of the company, including the marketing automation product team (product managers, 开发人员, data scientists) and the marketing operations team (channel and operations managers).
  • Drove the company 策略 on everything marketing related with a direct influence on the value proposition of the company.
  • Managed the roadmap execution while coordinating with stakeholders both internal and external.
  • 负责资源管理、团队发展和招聘.


2017 - 2018
HeyJobs GmbH是一家
  • Managed the core product of a performance-marketing startup, 专注于营销自动化, 合作伙伴集成, and data-driven models to optimize budget spend and revenue.
  • Led a team of six 开发人员 and data scientists using Scrumban and a structured OKR process.
  • Directed the roadmap creation and execution and took on the analysis and followup of product usage and KPIs.

联合创始人| CTO

2006 - 2016
  • 创立了一个风投支持的在线出版平台, driven by an innovative revenue-share business model and a themed content distribution model.
  • 从第一天起就担任CTO, produced a massive scale internet business (100+ million monthly PV, 200,000 users) by implementing the entire tech stack of the service (cloud servers, web服务, 应用程序服务器, 数据库, 和缓存机制).
  • Directed product management from inception through design to implementation.
  • 管理R&D team, customer success team, and marketing communications team.
  • 带领公司实现盈利.


Automated manual content editing which optimized the process, 降低90%的成本, 并将发布吞吐量提高了100倍.

在制作《欧博体育app下载》时, the content distribution platform had manual editing processes related to content quality as well as optimizations of content structure and metadata. These processes required resources investment of both time and staff.

After initial research had shown costs could be cut down with minimal impact to content quality, I designed and implemented a background automated process of content optimization. This solution allowed them to reduce staff costs by 90% while increasing content publishing throughput and scale by a hundredfold.


Improved the scalability and resource usage of the company by transforming in-house product usage to a third-party tool.

I identified a bottleneck in the way an XML-feed based product was used and developed in the company. 然后我研究并提出了另一种解决方案, 致力于其实施, and improved the resource usage and scalability of the company.

This product was the primary communication method with marketing partners and even tiny operational changes required hours of developer time and limited the ability of marketing managers to test new ideas or set up new integrations quickly. By identifying this bottleneck and seeing to its removal, the company has gained momentum and focus.


Led the product design and development for the data-driven creation of Facebook value-based audience—reducing 50% in CPA.

I designed and implemented a system that integrates the creation of data-driven, value-based targeting audiences directly via the Facebook营销 API. It also took into account the usage of those audiences on Facebook through a third party marketing tool while also providing a robust way to manage those on the company's back end.

有了这个新系统, 每行动成本(CPA)降低了50%, which enabled the company to outrun the competition and allocate more marketing budget to other channels.


增加客户覆盖面和转化率, and drove cost-per-acquisition down across channels through effective strategies, 报价, 预算管理.

我和不同行业的客户合作过, improving their search and social paid campaigns (谷歌广告, 必应, Facebook的广告, 推特, LinkedIn), 形成他们的营销策略, 指导观众的建立和跟踪, 进行关键词研究, 创意和复制实现, 以及持续的监控和优化.
From enterprise construction industry clients through NGOs and healthcare clients all the way to startups and initial product launches, I helped companies achieve their marketing goals and increase their marketing performance.
2003 - 2007

Bachelor's Degree (Summa Cum Laude) in Computer Science, East Asian Studies



GitHub, Jekyll, Trello, NGINX, Google Slides, cURL Command Line Tool, Jira




敏捷, 敏捷产品管理, Scrum, 看板, B2C, Data Science, Pay-per-Click (PPC)


Ubuntu, Docker, 必应广告,社交媒体广告


产品管理, 网络营销, 谷歌广告, SaaS, 项目管理, 内容创作, 内容策略, 销售业绩, 谷歌AdWords, Facebook的广告, 活动管理, 分析, 营销自动化, 市场营销, Facebook营销, 搜索引擎优化内容, 消费服务, 原型设计, 创业咨询, 大数据, 谷歌广告API, Facebook广告API, 展示广告, 谷歌显示网络, 广告活动, 广告活动, 目标 & Key Results (OKRs), JavaScript, Python, Databases, 数据分析, Data 分析, Node.js, Amazon EC2, Linux, WordPress, WordPress多点, 扩展, 页面搜索引擎优化, 谷歌搜索引擎优化, 谷歌API, B2B, 招聘, 招聘, 人力资源(HR), 路线图, 产品路线图, 最小可行产品(MVP), 网页抓取, 数据抓取, MongoDB, MySQL, 复述,, 谷歌表, Vue, 企业对消费者(B2C), 技术, 技术咨询, 欧博体育app下载, 商业咨询, 策略, 商业策略, 从属营销, 搜索引擎营销(SEM), 广告, 机器学习, 研究, 研究分析, 社交媒体营销(SMM)



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