Stefan Tomasevic, Product Manager in Belgrade, Serbia
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Stefan Tomasevic

Verified Expert  in Product Management

Product Manager

Belgrade, Serbia
Toptal Member Since
March 29, 2021

Stefan是一位非常积极主动、以结果为导向的分析业务专业人士,拥有超过8年的软件开发经验. He has a passion for innovation, problem solving, and driving products and ideas from inception to release into the market and beyond.

Project Highlights

WM Origami (CMS and eCommerce)
带领scrum团队开发了一个强大的CMS解决方案,该解决方案目前正在推动巴尔干地区30多个最大的媒体门户网站,并为10多个与SAP Commerce集成的电子商务门户网站提供可靠的店面.
M:tel Austria | Mobile Virtual Network Operator
Contributed to presales, sales, 产品开发过程使得最终产品能够在预算内按时交付,并在市场上取得巨大成功.
City of Belgrade | New Platform for Omnichannel Communication with Belgrade Citizens


Work Experience

Business eCommerce Analyst

2021 - PRESENT
Stanley Black & Decker - Main
  • Worked with senior business stakeholders in requirements gathering and backlog management. Actively participated in building the roadmap for the project.
  • 每天与三个大型scrum团队密切合作,开发并成功部署每个sprint, bringing business-impacting requirements to production and making them available to users.
  • 模拟和设计了根据最佳实践和项目特性开发的大部分接口.
  • Organized and participated in gathering user feedback, 确保在sprint中捕获所有相关的痛点和差距并确定优先级.

Agile Product Owner

2016 - 2021
Wireless Media
  • 曾担任巴尔干地区一些大型公司使用的大型数字体验管理解决方案(CMS和电子商务)的产品负责人, leading a Scrum team of nine to implement a number of new product features.
  • Acted as a product owner for NetTV Plus, the leading IPTV platform for users from the ex-Yugoslavian (ex-Yu) diaspora. 这个世界级的内容提供商帮助用户在享受高质量服务的同时感到宾至如归.
  • Served as a product owner for WM AppBuilder, 一个web工具,用于快速和轻松地创建Android和iOS的本地移动应用程序,不需要开发技能.
  • 担任产品负责人,与七人团队一起为奥地利虚拟移动运营商m:tel开发MVP网站门户.

Senior Product Manager

2011 - 2021
Wireless Media
  • 参与贝尔格莱德市和市民之间的官方展示和交流平台的概念化和产品设计, acting as a product manager.
  • 曾担任产品经理,负责为亚德里亚媒体集团和其他客户开发众多媒体和杂志门户网站和应用程序, such as Mondo, Wanted, Adria Media TV,, Sportklub, and N1.
  • 在多个内部和客户团队的大量区域项目中,作为首席协调员领导GDPR原则的实施, including development, product, legal, and business.
  • 担任多家移动运营商网络商店和自助服务概念化的产品经理, through workshops with clients and market and customer analysis. Some of those operators are m:tel Montenegro, m:tel Austria, and mt:s Serbia.

Business Consultant

2019 - 2020
Wireless Media
  • Collaborated with senior executives and product owners on building the product vision and roadmap.
  • 领导实施项目内客户管理的SAP客户数据云,并与SAP Commerce和SAP Marketing Cloud集成.
  • 建立营销自动化工具,与客户和他们的客户进行个性化和有效的沟通.

Front-end Developer

2006 - 2011
Freelance Work
  • Designed and developed a website for the Serbian national film institute, Film Center Serbia.
  • 为塞尔维亚人种学研究所开发了一个新的网站,完成了视觉设计.
  • Designed and developed a website for the New Balkans Institute.
  • Collaborated with different small teams to deliver numerous websites as a front-end developer.

Front-end Developer

2010 - 2010
Freelancer d.o.o.
  • Developed a WordPress extension for eCommerce in collaboration with the CEO.
  • Developed the eCommerce module dashboard and customer retail portals.
  • Designed a product roadmap for new features and their specifications.

WM Origami (CMS and eCommerce)

带领scrum团队开发了一个强大的CMS解决方案,该解决方案目前正在推动巴尔干地区30多个最大的媒体门户网站,并为10多个与SAP Commerce集成的电子商务门户网站提供可靠的店面.

WM Origami CMS和电子商务平台是一个大规模的数字体验管理解决方案,旨在帮助公司建立他们的在线业务. It's essential for some of the largest companies in the Balkans. Some of the portals using WM Origami Content Studio are,, and,, Adria Media TV,, Sportklub, and N1.

M:tel Austria | Mobile Virtual Network Operator

Contributed to presales, sales, 产品开发过程使得最终产品能够在预算内按时交付,并在市场上取得巨大成功.

M:tel是奥地利的一家移动虚拟网络运营商,目标是向居住在那里的巴尔干半岛侨民提供服务, devices, and bundles. 该项目包括一个电子商务门户网站,用户可以在其中购买产品和服务,以及一个自助欧博体育app下载来管理它们.

City of Belgrade | New Platform for Omnichannel Communication with Belgrade Citizens


长期以来,贝尔格莱德市与其市民之间的通讯和服务已经过时. 该项目旨在通过从头开始重新设计一切来解决这个问题——改善城市展示自身和服务的方式, making more services digitally available, expanding and streamlining the available channels for interaction with the city, and vice-versa. This also required decentralizing multiple (and uncoordinated) user databases, content management tools, product catalogs, and ticketing systems.

Used different technologies on the project, including WM Origami Content Studio (CMS), SAP Commerce Cloud, SAP Marketing Cloud, SAP Customer Data Cloud, SAP Service Cloud, and SAP Qualtrics.

NetTV Plus


NetTV Plus is the leading IPTV platform for all users from the ex-Yu diaspora. 这家世界级的内容提供商帮助其用户在享受高质量服务的同时感到宾至如归,需要升级其门户以跟上不断变化的数字功能.

Implementation of GDPR Compliant Processes and Tools


Until May 25th, 2018, I prepared the processes, tools, 以及使10多个客户的产品符合GDPR标准并成功实施的步骤. Implemented the regulations through UI/UX and cross teams on multiple projects.

WM Origami eCommerce

Led the development team of seven during the product's lifespan, designing and developing new features and improving the existing ones.


It enables the integration of content and commerce, 将两个世界的精华结合在一起,为品牌创造一个引人入胜的商业体验,讲述一个完全有凝聚力的故事,从而提高忠诚度, trust, and conversion.


将我的产品管理服务外包给一个客户的内部团队,开发他们的视频管理系统(VMS)平台, 在塞尔维亚,提供线性与非线性视讯点播(VoD)内容的核心技术是什么.

EON是一个VMS平台,集成了许多管理视频流的第三方技术, live TV, EPGs, VoD catalogs, content recommendations, subscriptions, and users. The client is SBB, the second-largest cable provider in Serbia and the most prominent innovator on the market. 在塞尔维亚开发的技术也被用于该集团在斯洛文尼亚的姐妹公司(Telemach).si), Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro.
2004 - 2008

Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design

Belgrade Polytechnic - Belgrade, Serbia


SAP Customer Data Cloud (Gigya) Consultant



Adobe Illustrator, Google Docs, Jira


Agile Software Development, Agile


Product Design, Presentations, Documentation, Process Flows, Product Owner, IT Product Management, Adobe Photoshop, Backlog Management, Product Management, Product Conceptualization, Product Requirements Documentation (PRD), Communication, Product Ownership, Requirements, Requirements & Specifications, eCommerce, Stakeholder Management, Single Sign-on (SSO), User Stories, Story Mapping, Feature Backlog Prioritization, Feature Prioritization, Web App Development, Product Vision, Presales, Roadmaps, Graphic Design, Business Analysis, Business Advisory, SAP Customer Data Cloud, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Business Requirements

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