Pritesh Ashok Tupe, Developer in London, Canada
Pritesh is available for hire
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Pritesh Ashok Tupe

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Developer

London, Canada
Toptal Member Since
November 21, 2022

Pritesh是一名全栈开发人员,拥有信息技术学士学位和十多年的编码经验. Having worked for 7+ years in the IT sector, 他认为,技术栈的选择应该始终符合项目的需求,而不是其他. Pritesh is skilled in several technologies, programming languages, and frameworks and is keenly interested in the JavaScript ecosystem. He also writes web novels and plays the fiddle in his spare time.


Docker, Docker Compose, DigitalOcean, GitHub Actions, Networking, Security
SimpleTire, LLC
React, Next.js, TypeScript, Google SEO, Contentful, Cloudinary, SEO Tools...
MedGeo Ventures
Mapbox, React, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Chakra UI, Next.js, Python...




Preferred Environment

NeoVim Text Editor, Linux

The most amazing...

...我完全开发的解决方案是一个实时遇险呼叫处理系统,可以将救护车派往受害者现场, having a true impact on peoples' lives.

Work Experience

DevOps Engineer

2024 - PRESENT
  • Deployed and monitored various services like the database, authentication server, proxy server, application assets, and more, using container technologies on a remote machine.
  • 重构代码,使开发人员在启动和运行过程中没有摩擦. 最终的结果是,用户使用应用程序的时间从几个小时/几天缩短到几秒钟.
  • Wrote the integration of a CI/CD pipeline using GitHub actions. 每次向特定服务分支提交都会触发代码构建/测试,然后将构件部署到远程服务器.
技术:Docker, Docker Compose, DigitalOcean, GitHub Actions, Networking, Security

React Expert Developer

2023 - PRESENT
SimpleTire, LLC
  • 致力于从第三方制造商网站吸引用户的小部件, 仅在部署的第三个月结束时,每天就增加50+的购买.
  • 修正了主要结账流程中的关键错误,稳步提高了用户留存率. Our cumulative efforts resulted in high all-time sales.
  • 处理过滤器代码中的一个bug,最终重构了它,使应用过滤器和返回结果的延迟减少了一半!
Technologies: React, Next.js、TypeScript、Google SEO、Contentful、Cloudinary、SEO Tools、Amazon S3 (AWS S3)

Mapbox Front-end Developer

2022 - 2024
MedGeo Ventures
  • 致力于面向用户的地图组件,以呈现从各种来源收集的大规模地理空间点和层数据, along with filters and search functionalities.
  • 开发前端接口,用于管理不同用户角色的各种组件及其管理.
  • 管理脚本,这些脚本是将原始(大)数据转换为应用程序兼容格式的关键环节.
Technologies: Mapbox, React, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Chakra UI, Next.Mapbox style, Mapbox API, Mapbox GL, Charts, Data抓取,Google Analytics

High-end Mapbox Developer

2023 - 2023
Local Le Swued AB
  • 与跨部门团队协作,实现将外部服务无缝集成到应用程序开发中的目标.
  • 通过在React Native中处理Mapbox,帮助团队开发地图体验.
  • 根据手头的需求,为决策者提供带有时间表和里程碑的路线图. Aligned the teams with above timelines and guidance on achieving results.
技术:Mapbox, Mapbox样式,Mapbox API, Mapbox GL, React Native

Full-stack Developer

2018 - 2021
HPS Lab Designs Pvt
  • Investigated and fixed a latency issue found in our database, 将用户加载数据到应用程序的等待时间从几分钟减少到几秒钟.
  • Implemented an A/B testing suite on a fuel logs feature, gaining insights from data gathered, making recommendations on the next steps, and executing them.
  • Split up the event processor, 负责处理现场IoT设备发出的ping信号的单块服务器. Separated state from logic and brought stateless nodes to the fore, easily scalable and recoverable from crashes.
Technologies: Node.js, React, React Native, MongoDB, Redis, VoltDB, ScyllaDB, Docker, SQLite, Realm, iOS, Android, Firebase, Scraping, Web Scraping, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Python, JavaScript, CSS, SQL, HTML, Full-stack, Google Maps, Google Maps SDK, JavaScript Testing, Firebase Authentication, Amazon Web Services (AWS), APIs, JSON, Webhooks, TypeScript, Microservices, Pytest, PostgreSQL, REST APIs, Google Analytics, Software Design, Back-end, Architecture, D3.. js, PIP, RDBMS, Vue,前端,HTML5, Mapbox,谷歌SEO,图表,数据抓取,谷歌分析

Innovations Learning Enabler

2016 - 2017
Tata Consultancy Services
  • 数字化喀拉拉邦科技大学答题卷考试评分的整个过程.
  • 为高知市警方开发了一个实时遇险呼叫处理系统,以便向受害者现场派遣救护车.
  • Envisioned iPortal, 一个混合了社交媒体和项目管理功能的内部系统,对所有层级的员工开放.
Technologies: Node.js, MySQL, CSS, Web Scraping, JavaScript, SQL, HTML, Full-stack, Google Maps, Google Maps SDK, JavaScript Testing, Firebase Authentication, Amazon Web Services (AWS), APIs, JSON, Webhooks, TypeScript, Microservices, PostgreSQL, REST APIs, Google Analytics, Software Design, Back-end, Architecture, D3.js, PIP, RDBMS, Front-end, HTML5, Mapbox, Charts, Google Analytics 4

Zettel Merken
Zettel stands for note, and Merken for remember in German. 完整表达的直译应该是“记住你的笔记”。, but that is an overly simplistic definition of what the title stands for. Zettel Merken融合了知识管理和学习增强方面的两个有影响力的想法——Zettelkasten和间隔重复——来帮助用户强化他们的学习.

Nvim RSS
A simple RSS reader plugin for Neovim. It is written in Lua and is similar to Vnews ( and Elfeed ( 当用户有一堆提要并希望在Neovim中查看最新条目而不是浏览器或专用应用程序时,这是最佳选择.

一个自托管的网站和工作监控与停机通知推送到Slack. Pingmon仍处于预测试阶段,其目标是成为一款“即发即弃”的应用,确保所有用户服务都能正常运行,而无需用户担心.

Blog, Portfolio, and Fiction Static Site
A personal website for hosting blogs and project portfolios. 它还可以承载小说(网络小说)的原创作品,并作为几个软件项目的首页. In the future, it will contain documentation for the projects as well.

在画布驱动的模拟环境中,不同的生物与周围环境和彼此相互作用. The aim is to gamify the evolution of a sandboxed environment, 用户提供初始参数的目标是在一定时间内保持相同的参数以获得胜利.

Impossible XO
A tic-tac-toe game that is impossible to win! 玩家在游戏中面对的是一个聪明(且厚脸皮)的AI,它会在你输掉游戏时嘲弄你. 如果你认为自己有能力挑战它,那就试一试吧.
2022 - 2023

Postgraduate Program in Mobile App Development

Fanshawe College - London, Ontario, Canada

2012 - 2016

Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology

FCRIT | Father Conceicao Rodrigues Institute of Technology - Vashi, India


Node.js、React、REST API、Mapbox API、Mapbox GL、Google Maps、Google Maps SDK、D3.js, Vue


JavaScript Testing, Firebase Authentication, Google Analytics, Git, Jekyll, Pytest, Webpack, Canvas, Docker Compose


React Native, Tailwind CSS, Next.js, Express.js


JavaScript, CSS, SQL, HTML, TypeScript, HTML5, Python, Lua, Clojure, Haskell


Microservices, Hosting




Databases, MongoDB, SQLite, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), JSON, PostgreSQL, RDBMS, Redis, MySQL, VoltDB, ScyllaDB, Realm


Web Development, Content Writing, Scraping, Web Scraping, Full-stack, APIs, Webhooks, Software Design, Back-end, Architecture, PIP, Front-end, Mapbox Styling, Charts, Data Scraping, Google Analytics 4, System Administration, Google SEO, Networking, Mobile Applications, Static Hosting, Writing & Editing, Chakra UI, Cloudinary, SEO Tools, GitHub Actions, Security

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