阿拉斯泰尔•汤普森, 市场营销专家 in Florianópolis -巴西圣卡塔琳娜州
Alastair is available for hire
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验证专家  in Marketing


Florianópolis -巴西圣卡塔琳娜州

Alastair is a seasoned revenue operations and marketing expert with agency and corporate experience. 他曾领导一家营销机构7年, managing over $1 million in annual advertising budgets for clients on five continents. Alastair's secret sauce is his ability to lead multicultural teams in the planning and executing of data-driven, 以收入为中心的增长和进入市场的活动. 他认真对待领导, 保持他的技能更新, 并且喜欢接受新项目的挑战.


带领团队在美国推出了Sutro泳池监视器和应用程序, 在六个月内达到100万美元的销售目标.
Headed the team that grew SmilePro's global online sales by 20% to over $500 thousand per month in six months, 表现最好的广告点击率达到10%.




2022 - 2023
  • Led the content team in leveraging demand planning and in-depth market insights to maintain a competitive edge on Amazon. 达到1以上,000% increase in reach and engagement through content research and compelling content strategies.
  • 与产品团队合作, 亚马逊卖家和亚马逊广告专家, and the sales team to source accurate technical insights and success stories that resonated with the users' needs. 新用户激活率提高133%.
  • Created persuasive content to depict the real-world impact of Intellivy's SaaS solutions for prospection and user activation based on the user stories for our personas. 为新用户增加了175%的软件销售和投资回报率.
  • 深入研究亚马逊卖家趋势, 竞争力量, 不断变化的客户偏好, providing BI and invaluable insights into the three distinct personas that shaped communication planning and our marketing and social media content strategy.
  • 实施数据驱动的生命周期和忠诚度营销策略, 结合定量研究, remarketing, 人工智能内容创作, 并实现营销自动化,增强客户前景和消费者保护, activation, and retention.
  • Provided regular reports to senior management on the effectiveness of the sales and marketing strategy.
  • 在YouTube广告上练习了我的经验, 我使用广告活动的数据来优化我们的广告, 观众发展, 登陆页. I also utilized voice search optimization to improve the visibility of our online content.


2020 - 2022
  • 开发全球在线零售营销活动和销售管理策略, including enterprise sales and a competitive pricing strategy with budgets and forecasts, 担任首席营销官(CMO).
  • 定向跨渠道营销, 包括基于客户的营销(ABM), 通过AWeber和SendGrid进行电子邮件营销, 社交媒体营销(包括Hootsuite), 关联营销, 和博客发帖.
  • 处理联盟营销, 谷歌广告和谷歌AdSense活动, 在线声誉管理, 品牌发展.
  • 带领团队将全球年度在线零售和现场销售额提高了70%.
  • 管理全球广告支出,使投资回报率(ROI)提高150%.
  • Set up cross-platform data tracking and 谷歌分析 4 for comprehensive insights, 包括视频营销绩效分析. Handled copy editing responsibilities, leveraging AI writing and Pipedrive as a CRM tool.


2013 - 2021
  • 定义并领导公司的数字营销, 铅一代, growth, sales, 以及潜在客户培育策略, including targeted email campaigns using Klaviyo and social media management using Hootsuite.
  • 指导公司连续六年实现20%的年增长率.
  • 在2019冠状病毒病爆发前一年,领导实现了80%的远程工作.
  • 发展和维护与国内和全球合作伙伴的重要关系.
  • Managed over $1 million in annual ad spending with an average return on ad spend (ROAS) of over 200%.
  • 建立和完善Marketo工作流程和多层次营销策略, 包括房地产营销, 为我们的客户.


2007 - 2013
  • Directed the development and launch of an innovative new product for families and professionals working with autism, 制定和执行全面的产品策略以满足市场需求.
  • Handled community management and led the search engine optimization (SEO) campaign, 包括本地SEO, to rank number one for over 20 top-performing keywords related to autism in Brazil.
  • 建立并领导市场营销和客户成功团队, 帮助了巴西和全世界成千上万的家庭.
  • Developed the processes and technology to scale operations nationally and globally, 采用创业营销的最佳实践与B2B和B2C, 以及贸易营销和销售策略.
  • Spearheaded Instagram growth initiatives to enhance brand visibility and community engagement.



带领团队在美国推出了Sutro泳池监视器和应用程序, 在六个月内达到100万美元的销售目标.

Sutro is a leading Internet of Things (IoT) water monitoring device for people who want total control over their pool management. 我们的主要挑战是零市场占有率, 零品牌认知度, 以及两个拥有稳固市场份额的大型竞争对手.

Our solution was to run high-intensity brand campaigns for carefully segmented audiences on social media. 最初,我们关注的是曝光度,而不是转化率. 然后,我们根据互动和视频浏览量开展目标营销活动, 专注于教育电子邮件渠道的线索捕获. We ran pay-per-click (PPC) on Google for competitor searches and keywords and constantly ran A/B testing of our ads, landing pages, emails, 购买页面.

在没有任何假设的情况下,我们不断地测试和测量. If it worked, we scaled; if it didn't, we circled back to test again with new parameters.




Wonderbag combines a retail presence with its carbon offsets business to support its work to empower women and families in communities. The solution was utterly integrating our production, warehousing, and eCommerce operations.

Marketing focused on clear messaging with segmented campaigns for each demographic and culture with clearly defined objectives for each segment. 专注于关键人口统计数据的影响者活动至关重要, 以及在新地区的知名度和销售额的提高. 我们还利用Klaviyo进行电子邮件活动.

其结果是一个全球性的在线零售业务, with segmented budgets and forecasts and an increase in global annual online retail sales by 70% and ROI by 150%. 我们的主要目标市场英国的销售额增长了十倍. We had a fully integrated warehouse and eCommerce operation with cross-platform data tracking for all our customer touchpoints.



Headed the team that grew SmilePro's global online sales by 20% to over $500 thousand per month in six months, 表现最好的广告点击率达到10%.

SmilePro是澳大利亚评价最高的家用牙齿美白工具, 在全球拥有50多万客户. SmilePro operates in a highly competitive market and is third in brand recognition and sales. 它的竞争对手都是非常激进的市场参与者,拥有大量预算.


Led the account-based marketing strategy and the development of customer-facing content for high-value enterprise clients.

The client is a global player providing add-ons for complex CRM platforms like SalesForce and Oracle. 总部位于山景城, California, with 120,遍布42个国家的000个业务用户, 该平台帮助用户将客户数据转化为可操作的情报.

The challenge was translating complex product features into clear and compelling narratives for niche markets and then fine-tuning that content to address the unique pain points of our high-value enterprise clients across the website, 社交媒体平台, and email.

The solution included customized content workflows and processes for both sales and marketing teams to improve efficiency and collaboration and ensure coherent messaging. The content team focused on high-converting niche content based on specific content strategies for each target audience.
1999 - 2001



1990 - 1993













数字营销策略, 铅一代, 社交媒体策略, 电子邮件营销, 数字营销, Facebook Ads, B2C Marketing, 增长的黑客, 转化率优化(CRO), Marketing, 电子邮件广告, 销售业绩, Brand Strategy, 品牌营销, 漏斗优化, Landing Pages, A/B Testing, 营销策略, 搜索引擎优化(SEO), Branding, 目标观众, 市场策, 数字运动, 社交媒体活动, 市场研究 & Analysis, 内容营销, 社交媒体营销(SMM), Content, Organic SEO, 社交媒体管理, Blogging, 营销技术(MarTech), Social Media, Marketing Mix, 数字广告, 入站营销, Ads, Google SEO, SEO Content, 漏斗分析, 活动管理, 公益营销, Facebook视频广告, 营销领导, 市场营销研究 & Analysis, 内容策略, 关键字研究, 首席营销官(CMO), 内容营销策略, 社交媒体内容, SEO关键词研究, SEO Audits, On-page SEO, Omnichannel营销, 产品定位, Writing & Editing, Instagram营销, 营销自动化, 营销业务, 市场营销分析, LinkedIn营销, 竞选策略, 付费广告, 客户细分, 影响力营销, 内容创作, Google Ads, Copywriting, 漏斗营销, SEO Tools, 有机社交媒体, 搜索引擎营销(SEM), 产品营销, 从属营销, Local SEO, Sales, 谷歌付费广告, 社区管理, 基于客户的营销(ABM), Google标签管理器, LinkedIn Ads, 点击付费(PPC), Google AdWords, Facebook营销, 灵活的营销, 客户成功, YouTube Ads, Instagram增长, AWeber, 企业销售, 零售营销活动, Software Sales, Field Sales, AI Marketing, Inside Sales, 金融市场营销

Platforms & Tools

谷歌分析, Facebook广告经理, 谷歌广告管理器, Instagram Ads, 采购渠道, 谷歌分析 4, 内容管理系统(CMS), HubSpot, Klaviyo, Asana, CRM Systems, ActiveCampaign, Oracle CX营销, Marketo, Mixpanel




B2B, B2C, 企业对企业(B2B), SaaS产品营销, SaaS, 企业对消费者(B2C), 软件即服务(SaaS)


团队的领导, 数据驱动营销, 启动策略, 收入的策略, 项目管理, Communication, 文化管理, 项目计划, eCommerce, Data Analysis, Leadership, Management, 战略规划 & Execution, 增长战略, 客户体验, 产品发布, B2B潜在客户生成, 业务发展, 客户之旅, 获取客户, 产品的增长, 直接对消费者(D2C), 关键绩效指标(kpi), 品牌建设, 品牌定位, 增长的市场营销, 登陆页优化, 盈利模式, 最小可行产品(MVP), Startups, 产品品牌, User Journeys, Web Content, 网站优化, 网站流量, 欧博体育app下载, Consulting, 数字转换, 商业策略, 媒体计划, Leads, WooCommerce, Retail & 采购产品批发,网络分析,转化率,转换,货币化,食品 & Beverage, 人员管理, 项目管理, 远程团队领导, 创意方向, Subscriptions, 订阅的价格, 定价策略, Analytics, 可再生能源, Roadmaps, Coaching, Market Entry, 宣传活动, 价值创造, 项目管理及营运, 品牌内容, 用户体验(UX), Edtech Design, 市场细分, 收入优化, Sales Growth, 营销计划, 客户研究, Instagram, 数据分析, Integration, Facebook的像素, 数据收集, 需求一代, Research, 内容制作, 数字广告公司, Spreadsheets, Direct Mail, 敏捷项目管理, 敏捷教练, 团队开发, 产品策略, B2B合作伙伴, Sales Strategy, Events, 创意策略, Digital Media, Nonprofits, 数字营销产品经理, Advertising, 竞争对手分析 & Profiling, 内容写, 视频制作, Fintech, 谷歌优化, Podcasting, Sponsorship, 营销归因, Google Maps, 广告设计, Nutrition & Supplements, YouTube, YouTube营销, 营销计划, 思想领导, 人工智能(AI), Healthcare, 零售策略, 渠道管理, Blogs, 谷歌购物, 库存管理, 内容管理, Slack, Salesforce, Jira, Shopify, WordPress, 商业策略, Strategy, Project Design, 项目范围, Data Strategy, 品牌发展, 团队管理, Crypto, Partnerships, 事件营销, 事件管理, Web Design, Web开发, Video Editing, Planning, Microsoft Power BI, Google AdSense, Blog Posting, Lead Nurturing, Copy Editing, 商业智能(BI), 定量研究, 在线声誉管理, Remarketing, 语音搜索优化, 沟通计划, 贸易市场, 创业营销, 视频营销, AI内容创作, SendGrid, Pipedrive, 多层次营销, 忠诚营销, 跨渠道营销, 关联营销, 有竞争力的价格, 销售管理, 需求计划, 内容的研究, 观众发展, 房地产营销, 消费者保护, OEM Sales, Resellers, Fulfillment, 客户服务, Tech Sales, Retail Sales, SaaS Sales, 企业社会责任(CSR), MarTech解决方案, 企业品牌推广, SEO with AI, 归因建模, 人工智能社交媒体内容创建, AI社交媒体影响者, 亚马逊卖家中心, 营销计划管理, Media Training, 产品清单



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