System Security

System Security Expert Job Description Template

系统保安专业人员是预防和减轻因电脑系统漏洞而导致的保安漏洞的专家. This field covers a range of areas of expertise, including information security, network security, and mobile security. 系统安全专业人员必须“像黑客一样思考”,以便预测恶意外部攻击的主要途径. 他们应该对最微小的细节有敏锐的眼光, 再加上对计算机系统和行业工具的全面而深入的了解.


系统保安专业人员是预防和减轻因电脑系统漏洞而导致的保安漏洞的专家. This field covers a range of areas of expertise, including information security, network security, and mobile security. 系统安全专业人员必须“像黑客一样思考”,以便预测恶意外部攻击的主要途径. 他们应该对最微小的细节有敏锐的眼光, 再加上对计算机系统和行业工具的全面而深入的了解.

对于那些希望进入安全领域的人来说,正规的培训是缺乏的. 而正规的计算机系统教育是可取的, 许多最优秀的安全专家都是自学成才的业余爱好者,他们对“黑客”以及攻击者利用的技术和漏洞非常熟悉. 因为您的安全专家将密切了解您的系统的所有弱点, it is critical that you can trust him or her.

本文提供了一个示例系统安全专家职位描述,将帮助您编写完美的招聘广告, 确保你找到并雇用了符合你特定标准的人.


Copy this template, and modify it as your own:

Company Introduction

{{Write a short and catchy paragraph about your company. 提供有关公司文化、津贴和福利的信息. Mention office hours, remote working possibilities, and anything else that makes your company interesting.}}

Job Description

我们正在寻找一个系统安全专家,重点是 {{WLAN/networks/web applications/penetration testing}}. 您必须对安全性充满热情,并始终领先于系统可能面临的所有威胁. 您将与我们的开发团队合作,以确保我们的网络和技术堆栈是无懈可击的. 您将完全熟悉我们的架构,帮助指导其开发. 您将提供关于潜在漏洞和风险概况的定期报告. 良好的沟通技巧对于有效地与我们的团队协调并构建安全的最终产品至关重要.


  • 积极寻找应用程序和网络中的安全漏洞, reporting issues and describing possible solutions.
  • Design and maintain our security infrastructure.
  • Stay up to date with security news, 密切关注该领域出现的最新漏洞和补救措施.
  • 积极与开发团队联系,确保安全的体系结构.
  • 积极与开发团队联系,以确保所有源代码的彻底自动化测试.g., via Test-Driven Development).
  • 定期提供报告,审核我们目前的服务和最新的变化, as well as our internal practices.
  • 监控我们的服务器流量,票务和报告不寻常的数据包.
  • {{Add other responsibilities here that are relevant.}}

Skills and Qualifications

  • {{计算机科学或计算机工程相关学历.}}
  • {{Relevant certification, such as CCNA or OWSE.}}
  • 全面了解潜在的攻击媒介,如XSS, injection, hijacking, social engineering, and so on.
  • 对密码学原语及其基本原理有透彻的理解.
  • Sound command of {{your application’s environment}} and the command line.
  • 精通网络协议,如TCP/IP.
  • 全面了解HTTP和HTTPS及其底层实现.
  • 全面了解内容交付网络及其与应用程序的集成.
  • 基本的编程能力,足以从命令行编写和执行脚本.
  • Active in the security community. Regularly attends meetups or conferences.
  • 为开源项目做出贡献,或者为安全工作创建专用工具.
  • Working understanding of Agile Development processes.
  • Excellent communication skills. 能够将复杂的想法转化为简单的解决方案.
  • {{包括任何框架、库或与您的开发堆栈相关的任何其他技术.}}
See also:Toptal’s growing, community-driven list of essential System Security interview questions

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Toptal是一个面向顶级系统安全开发人员的市场, engineers, programmers, coders, architects, and consultants. 顶级公司和初创公司选择Toptal系统安全自由职业者来完成他们的关键任务软件项目.

See Their Profiles

Mark Castagneri

Freelance System Security Developer
United StatesToptal Member Since January 4, 2023

Mark is a risk assessor, program manager, security operations engineer, 一位拥有超过10年实施风险降低计划经验的架构师. 他对各种安全框架和工具有着深刻的理解. Mark has successfully developed budgets, risk-informed roadmaps, 和项目计划,并领导多学科团队有效地降低风险,并证明符合标准, as confirmed by 3rd-party auditors.

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John Mbuthia, M.Sc., CISSP

Freelance System Security Developer
CanadaToptal Member Since February 13, 2023

约翰拥有17年以上的经验,管理财富500强组织和小型运营的IT和网络安全的各个方面. 他的专长包括通过平衡的流程和控制来降低风险, BCM, GRC, IAM, security operations, third-party risk, social media brand protection, training and awareness, physical security controls, incident response table-top exercises, and vulnerability management. John一直在创建兼容的环境,使其免受新出现的威胁.

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Elias Diab

Freelance System Security Developer
CanadaToptal Member Since February 28, 2023

Elias is a highly dedicated business, technical, and strategic information security, cybersecurity, and risk management officer, executive, consultant, advisor, expert, and specialist. With over 30 years of worldwide experience, he specializes in building, managing, 维护信息安全和网络安全计划,以保护组织的系统和资产免受内部和外部威胁,并帮助组织实现其法规遵从性要求.

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